Branch 71/21 General Secretary Nomination – Sharon Graham


At todays meeting held via Skype at 1300 hrs a vote took place for West Midlands Police Branch of Unite the Union to nominate a candidate to put forward for the General Secretary position.

Only one candidate was proposed and seconded and this was Sharon Graham who is the Executive officer for Organising and Leverage.

Sharon’s statement on the election website states:

It’s time to take our Union back to the workplace.

Our members’ priority is core business – protecting jobs and improving pay and conditions.

There is now a clear choice.

We can drive the politics from the workplace, or continue going over the same ground getting nowhere.

I will transform Unite – using my experience of winning every dispute I have led and negotiating deals with some of our biggest employers.

I will introduce a comprehensive Industrial Programme for change that includes our Retired and Community members.

I will take our Shop Steward and Rep training back in-house.

I will take equalities into the workplace.

I will make our Union much more democratic, transparent and accountable.

But the future must be about more than slogans or the views of a few individuals.

WMP Unite 71/21 have now confirmed our nomination following all relevant procedures.